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Spreading the Gospel to the Prisons

Prison Ministry

Proverbs 23:7 says, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he". This is a profound truth and, when we are not careful, Satan uses this truth to destroy our youth.  He influences the heart of our youth to produce degenerate souls who are destructive to themselves and society.  One of the Devil's destructive tools used against our youth is the medium of Music!  Through corrosive music, the hearts of our youth today have been conditioned to be promiscuous, apathetic, foul mouthed, violent, substance abusing addicts, etc., often leading to inordinate levels of incarceration. 


Music, however, does not belong to Satan; Music belongs to God! His angels "sang together and shouted for joy" when God first created the earth (Job 38:7).  The Christ Foundation Church (CFC) Prison Ministry is reclaiming "the medium of music" to re-calibrate the hearts and minds of  incarcerated men. The Holy Scriptures say, "...Be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds..."  Through music, CFC desires to renew and reprogram criminal thinking and longs to show incarcerated men that they are made in the image of God. This ministry urges them to be different and to think of themselves as sons of the King of the Universe and not simply products of their environments. The CFC Prison Ministry uses rap, singing, composition and music production to first challenge the depraved nature of the human heart and then seeks to change that broken heart by using the Gospel to regenerate those who hear the call of God to be "set apart", as He commands, …"Come out..and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you!" 2 Corinthians 6:17 NIV.

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